Our Ministries

You can also 
contact the office (856) 424-1454.
or email us at stmarycherryhill@gmail.com. 
                                            The Church needs you!  Help us build up the Body of Christ at St. Mary!                                            

ALTAR LINEN & GUILD MINISTRIES:  Help launder/repair our altar linens, weekly or seasonally.  Ensure that the table of the Lord is worthily set for His Presence and His people.     

ART & ENVIRONMENT MINISTRY: The A & E ministry plans and prepares the decorations and environment in Church for all our special feasts and celebrations throughout the year. Your insights, ideas and suggestions would be most welcome. Can't come to a meeting? Then just assist with the actual decorating - we can always use more help!                                                        

BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY:  Be a minister of compassion to our parishioners in grief. Assist the bereaved with their choice of readings, music, and assist at the funeral Mass.  Serve as an adult Altar Server or Lector at the Funeral Mass.   Whatever you can do, will bring Jesus’ comfort and consolation to others who are hurting.     

CHERRY HILL FOOD PANTRY: This interfaith outreach operates a food pantry and assistance program at a nearby Cherry Hill facility.  Volunteers and food items are always needed.  Help organize and distribute food at the pantry, or transport it there from the parish, once a month.

CHRIST'S KIDS:  CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD:  Lead our little ones to Christ by facilitating their participation in the first part of the Mass – at their own level of understanding.  During the 10:30am Mass from September to May, lead them in age-appropriate readings and prayers in the Chapel.   Preparation materials and training provided.                                     
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST:   Assisting in the distribution of the Eucharist at Mass; and/or bringing Communion to the homebound.   Jesus nourishes us on Himself in this Sacrament of unity and love. Candidates for this ministry must be at least 15 years old, have received Confirmation and be in good standing with the Church.  
INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY OUTREACH COUNCIL (IHOC): Our Parish also participates in an Interfaith effort which annually houses, here in our parish hall, men in transition, for a two-week period.  Members of this ministry, organize this event in support of these homeless men.  Team Volunteers and overnight chaperones are always needed.  

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS:  This long-standing Catholic organization for men is deeply involved in parish and community life seeking to promote the values of the Gospel and render Christian service.  For more information, please contact the parish office to be connected with the leadership of the KOC. 

LECTORS: Proclaiming the Scriptures at our Eucharistic celebration is a vitally important ministry to our people. The Word of God is embodied and comes alive for us now, through the Lector’s faith-filled proclamation.     

  • Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic?
  • Has a child over the age of 7 who has not been baptized?
  • Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not received the Sacraments of Holy Communion and the Confirmation?
Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of the Church.  You are welcome to participate in the process with your insights and your own unique story in a friendly & accepting setting.  Call 856.424.2679. 

SMALL CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES FACILITATORS:  Our parish is blessed with small Christian communities. These groups consist of anywhere from 5- 12 parishioners who gather, once a week, during the seasons of Advent and Lent, to read and reflect on the Sunday Gospel together and share their faith and the movement of God’s Spirit in their lives.  All are welcome to join!  We are always in need of individuals willing to attend one training session in order to form and facilitate a group of their own, either in your own home, or here on parish grounds – your choice!
MUSIC MINISTRY: Lead and assist the sung prayer of God's people as they join together with one heart and voice in praise of His Name. Anyone interested in the various adult parts of our Music Ministry*, (listed immediately below) is asked to please contact: Jim Rabic (856) 424-1454, ext 105.
  • LEADERS OF SONG/CANTORS: Teach us new hymns, cue us in in song and help us lift our hearts in praise. The psalms were written as songs. Help us to reflect on them and join in sung prayer between the readings.
  • ADULT CHOIR: Men and women are needed! Can you carry a tune? Then, you qualify! You needn't read music. Members needn't be opera stars - Just have a desire to lend your voice in a chorus of prayerful song.  That's all you need! 
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CATECHISTS AND AIDES: Help pass on the faith as a teacher or aide in our Parish Religious Education Program.  Our present program encompasses Grade Levels 1 through 8.  Perhaps, you could sub/teach, or assist in the hall?  Please call Lisa Caso at 856-424-2679 if you can help!

LIVESTREAM VOLUNTEERS:  We need volunteers (as part of a team) to livestream the 10:30am Mass each Sunday.  No experience necessary!  Training is available.  Please contact Stan if interested:  856.424.1454, ext. 120

“LEISURE CLUB”:  St. Mary is now the pick up and drop off point for some of the trips from Christ our Light's "Leisure Club" which hosts local bus trips to nearby exciting destinations.   More information can be found in our bulletin about upcoming trips.

LIFE AND JUSTICE MINISTRY: The members of this ministry work to bring presenters to St. Mary in order to raise awareness of the various local and global needs in the area of Life and Justice.  
  • PRO LIFE MINISTRY:  is also a component of this ministry.  Join with us and help us raise awareness of the sacredness of all life from conception to natural death.
  • INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY OUTREACH COUNCIL (IHOC): Our Parish also participates in an Interfaith effort which annually houses, here in our parish hall, 12 men in transition, for a two-week period.  Members of this ministry, organize this event in support of these homeless men.  Team Volunteers and overnight chaperones are always needed.  (just 2 weeks in January).  For more info., visit interfaithhomelessoutreachcouncilsj.org
SOCIAL COMMITTEE: Do you love planning events?  Throughout the year, we are need of persons who want to plan, organize and implement events both large and small.  This is a great way to bring our community closer together! 

USHERS  Ushers assist with seating, occasional Communion traffic and taking up the collection. Both are attentive to the needs of the assembly and assist should an emergency arise. Both men and women are welcome in this ministry.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: For one week in the summer, our parish grounds come alive for VBS fun and inspiration. We can always use more helping hands in this just once a year commitment.

VIDEO OPERATOR MINISTRY:  For operating video screens (advancement of slides) during Mass to aid in worship and singing during weekend Masses and other celebrations during the week. 
Teens are welcome!!!


YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTRY:  The future of our church depends on the next generation yes, but also on us…. Be part of a team of adults, inviting and supporting our parish teens (6th-12th grades) in remaining connected to our parish family through fun activities and faith-based service opportunities.  Help is needed, so please call or e-mail Stan Thompson (856) 424-1454, ext. 120 or sthompsoniii@aol.com.                                                                


Parish Office/Rectory:  (856) 424-1454   
Office email: stmarycherryhill@gmail.com