CHILDREN: Baptisms are held throughout the year on Sundays, except during the Lenten season. To schedule a Baptism, the parents must contact the office at 856.424.1454. Careful consideration should be taken in choosing your godparents. Please scroll down to the bottom of the page for information on choosing your godparents.
A Baptismal Preparation session is required for the parents. Godparents are encouraged to attend.
ADULTS: Adults interested in becoming Catholic are welcome to inquire about our O.C.I.A. (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults). Please contact our Director of Religious Education at (856) 424-2679.
CERTIFICATES OF ELIGIBILITY - In order to receive a Certificate of Eligibility from St. Mary Church, you must be a registered and active member of our parish. In addition, you meet certain criteria. Please scroll to the bottom of this page for more information.
The celebration of the Eucharist is the "source and summit" of the spiritual life of Catholic Christians. At Mass, we are nourished on the Body and Blood of Christ himself and strengthened for our mission to be his Presence in the world. Our Mass Schedule can be accessed by clicking the link at the top of this page, calling the Parish Office or our parish bulletin.
Holy Communion is brought out, on a regular basis, to the sick and/or homebound in our parish. To request a Communion visit at home, please call the Parish Office at (856) 424-1454. If you or a loved one is hospitalized, please ask someone to notify the parish office. Because of HIPAA laws, hospitals are not permitted to divulge the names of patients to visiting clergy without the patient's permission.
For Adults who have not received their First Holy Communion are welcome to inquire about our O.C.I.A. (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults). Please contact our Director of Religious Education at (856) 424-2679.
Confessions are heard in church on Saturdays at 8:30am and again from 4:00pm to 4:45pm, or by appointment. To contact a priest for an appointment, please call the Parish office (856) 424-1454.
People who are facing or recovering from surgery, who are seriously or chronically ill, infirmed from old age, or are in danger of death are invited to request the Sacrament (Anointing) of the Sick. To arrange for this at home, please contact the Parish office (856) 424-1454. If the sick person is in a hospital or other health care facility, please contact the facility's Pastoral Care office and ask for a visit from the priest chaplain assigned to the facility to provide this sacrament, along with confession and Holy Communion (if desired), and to be placed on the facility's Communion call list. Because of HIPAA laws, hospitals are not permitted to divulge the names of patients to visiting clergy without the patient's permission. If you would like a visit from our parish priest, please contact the parish office; but please be aware that since we have only 1 parish priest a hospital visit may not be possible.
There are several components to Marriage Preparation in the Church. Couples are encouraged to contact the priest at least one year in advance of the wedding date for an appointment before scheduling a reception hall or contracting with vendors. To schedule an appointment with one of the priests, please call Parish office at (856) 424-1454.
Preparation of children for the Sacrament of Confirmation is conducted through our Religious Education Program. For information, please contact our Religious Education office at (856) 424-2679 or email at Adults interested in the Sacrament of Confirmation should contact our Director of Religious Education at (856) 424-2679 for more information. *See below about choosing a sponsor.
Our Church is always in need of generous men willing to serve as priests and deacons. If you would like more information on the priesthood or permanent diaconate, please call the Parish office, or call the Diocese at (856) 756-7900 and ask for the Office of Vocations.
The role of both the godparents and sponsors are very important!
Your godparents and sponsors will journey with your children in
teaching them about the Catholic faith.
Criteria for godparents and sponsors (in order to receive a Certificate of Eligibility):
- currently registered and active member of St. Mary Church.
- active in their faith and willing to pray for your child and teach him/her about the Catholic faith.
- At least 16 years of age
- received all of their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation)
- receive Holy Communion at least annually
- attending Sunday Mass and Holy Days of obligation
- if married, that the marriage was witnessed by a Catholic priest or Deacon, according to the laws and teaching of the Catholic Church and/or the Bishop granted any required dispensation.
- Understand and accept the responsibility to be a support and example to this child/adult in his/her efforts to live a Catholic life that reflects the Spirit and teaching of the Catholic Church.
- Be ready to assist the parents in their Christian duty by support, encouragement and prayer.