Parish Calendar

Jubilee Year of Hope

Marriage/Family Life

Donate Online

A Message from Father Mike

Youth Group

Catholic Church of St. Mary
2001 Springdale Road, Cherry Hill, NJ  08003

Mission Statement
We, the Catholic community of St. Mary, are empowered through Baptism,
 guided by the Gospel and nourished by the Eucharist.
We serve the People of God through active participation in the mission and ministry
of the Church. We are committed to an inclusive and compassionate living out of the Gospel in our daily lives. 



Weekend Masses
Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:30am and 10:30am*

(*10:30am Mass is livestreamed and other Masses and events
may be livestreamed;  by attending, you are giving us
your consent to record and broadcast your image.)

Live streaming on both platforms:       

Weekday Mass
8:00am (Monday-Friday) Chapel

Saturday:  8:30am and 4:00pm or by appointment

Ash Wednesday Masses/Services may be livestreamed.  By attending you are giving your
consent for your image to be recorded and broadcasted.

Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:00pm (except 12-1)
Monday, February 17th: Parish office closed for Presidents Day

Rectory/Office Phone: (856) 424-1454 
Office email:

For non-urgent general requests, please call extension 102.
If you are in urgent need of a priest, dial extension 114 for further instructions.

Religious Education office:  (856) 424-2679   

Youth Ministry office:  (856) 424-1454, ext. 120

Your prayers make a difference!
Please pray daily through the intercession of the Blessed Mother
for all those in need and 
for the salvation of all souls.

Please also pray for Priestly Vocations for the Diocese of Camden.  Click here for prayer!


Download the Saint Mary's app!
Click here or below to be directed for more information

Beginning January 2025, St. Mary will no longer be on X (Twitter).



NOTICE: The Church and Parish Hall have video recording which
will be reviewed  in the event of unlawful or suspicious activities.